Some updates

Last month, I began working once a week for Concern Employee Assistance Program as an onsite counselor located at Google in San Francisco. It has been exciting so far and I look forward helping the employees with their challenges. I continue to see clients in my private practice on Mon, Tue, and Thu.

Next month, I will be attending Dark Odyssey: Surrender. Fellow therapists, let's get together! Clients, know that I will keep your confidentiality and if we do run into each other, I won't reach out to you. If you want to reach out to me, that is fine, though I won't engage with you extensively.

Earlier this month, I did a training on Gender in Psychotherapy at Haight Ashbury Psychological Services and I will be doing a similar training for my fellow Concern EAP onsite counselors next month. Next year, I will be teaching Human Sexuality in the Golden Gate University graduate school program.